The inspection was the worst part because I was so proud of how clean my room was. Unfortunately every time, I was shattered, she would look under the bed and pull everything out and then she would go to the closet and pull everything out.
Frustration??? Yes, it was coming out my ears. Now my room was messier than it was when began. Cleaning days were so awful. Then Heather came up with the idea to start by pulling everything out to make an island on the floor then piece by piece we would put things away to get rid of the island. It worked and it was fun when we did it together but with her not around I find I have reverted to the stuffing method.
As you know Jordan and I are moving on Monday to Salt Lake, now the problem with moving is this that you have to clean. No the problem with this kind of cleaning is that when your done it is pretty obvious if you stuffed stuff under the bed or in the closet, So you can't actually do that and get away with it. Therefore, it has to get messy to get clean, and I tell you what our apartment is exactly that.... completely messy, but that means by Monday we should be reaching clean. What can I say, Happy Easter.