Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Wish List

People, the most exciting day of the year is fast approaching.

My Birthday!!!

 I know you must be very excited.
Birthdays are great for many reasons. One of which is PRESENTS!!!! Most years I hum and haw not knowing what I want for my birthday. Well friends this year there is no humming or hawing.

Here is the list:

A Tomato Corer

These things are just so awesome

A Garlic Peeler

A Cute Shirt

I need something cute that I can wear while nursing and still feel cute in.

Michael's or JoAnn's Gift Card

Hey, I am a stay at home mom, I have to be crafty.

A Pair of Jeans

Ones that fit, my post pregnancy body is fine but I don't fit very well into any of my cute jeans. And winter is fast approaching. 

A Day Pass for Skiing

Yes, again winter is coming. 

Someone to Wash My Car

It really needs a good clean.

New Comforter  and Sheets

A cute one with a pattern so you can't see spit up stains.

And if non of these sound good to you.  I always love

 Amazon Gift Cards

I get free shipping so it is fun to buy stuff... books, etc....

JUST A WISH LIST.... of course you don't have to get me anything. If you do want to get me something these are just a couple ideas. 

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Love it. Especially the tomato peeler. I mean, really. Is that asking too much?